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Commitment to Connectivity

The Government of Nova Scotia's Cellular for Nova Scotia Program is the largest investment in cellular infrastructure in the province’s history. It aims to improve public safety by expanding cellular coverage for over 20,000 unserved civic addresses and 1,010 kilometres of primary roads.

Commitment to Safety

Investing in telecommunications is crucial for essential services, especially in rural areas. Infrastructure failures can severely impact these communities during emergencies. The Cellular for Nova Scotia Program aims to improve connectivity for healthcare, education, social services, emergency communication, remote work, and mental health support, ensuring the province keeps pace with growth and technology.

Commitment to Nova Scotia

Improved cellular infrastructure bridges distances, promotes inclusion, and provides essential resources. Enhancing connectivity addresses current needs and prepares Nova Scotia for technological advancements and economic and population growth.

Cellular for Nova Scotia Program Service Level Objectives

  % coverage

for basic voice call service where Nova Scotians live, work, learn, and travel on primary roads. Basic voice call service provides clear audio calls.

  % coverage

for standard-definition service where Nova Scotians live, work, learn, and travel on primary roads. Standard definition service provides quality audio or video transmission for emails, internet browsing, and social media.

  % coverage

for high-definition service where Nova Scotians live, work, learn, and travel on primary roads. High-definition services provide high-quality audio or video transmission for emails, internet browsing, social media use, video conferencing, and movie streaming.

Where We Are

The Cellular for Nova Scotia Program’s second Request for Proposals (RFP) - Innovative Solutions for Cellular Coverage Improvement—Phase 2 was issued on September 5, 2024. This RFP closed on December 5, 2024, and proposal evaluations are underway.

On July 31, 2024, Rogers was awarded Innovative Solutions for Cellular Coverage Improvement - Phase I to upgrade infrastructure at 27 existing sites and connect them to the Rogers 5G network. Through an additional investment of $18.6 million, the Province plans to add 27 new provincially owned telecommunication towers, which will be connected to a network provider later.

Enhanced cellular infrastructure will also help Nova Scotia keep pace with technology and population growth while improving safety in rural communities.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the Cellular for Nova Scotia Program necessary?

Reliable cellular services are essential for all Nova Scotians, especially rural communities, to engage in the economy, generate jobs, and enhance public safety.

There are approximately 20,000+ unserved civic addresses and 1,010 kilometres of unserved primary roads.

Areas of the province lack adequate and consistent cellular coverage, posing a challenge to public safety and seamless communication.

The cellular gap study assessed coverage based on the service providers as follows:

  • Depending on the cellular service provider, province-wide coverage ranges from 46-69%.
  • Depending on the cellular service provider, the number of civic addresses served across the province ranges from 84-95%.
  • Depending on the cellular service provider, 64-86% of primary roads have cellular service.

What is the total investment made by the Government of Nova Scotia in the Cellular for Nova Scotia Program?

As of July 2024, the total investment for the Cellular for Nova Scotia Program is $69.2 million, with the following breakdown.

  • $47.3 million announced in October 2023.
  • $3.3 million to build four trunked mobile radio 2 towers was also announced in 2023.
  • $18.6 million to construct 27 Government of Nova Scotia-owned telecommunications towers, announced in July 2024.

Of the $47.3 million announced in October 2023, $18.6 million has been allocated as of July 2024 for upgrading 27 telecommunications sites.

Of the remaining two investments as of July 2024, the total investment for building 31 new telecommunications sites is $21.9 million.

How does Build Nova Scotia decide which areas of the province will receive improved cellular coverage first?

Build Nova Scotia does not set the priority for each upgrade; our telecommunications partners determine timelines.

Site upgrades and new construction vary significantly based on the following items:

  • site conditions
  • equipment availability
  • workforce availability
  • regulatory approvals
  • integration complexity

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Please use the link below to contact our team about the Cellular for Nova Scotia Program. If you are reaching out about a project or potential project in your area, please include your full address, community and postal code.

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