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Loch Lomond

Postal Code Areas: B1K, B1J, B2E, B0E

* Estimated completion dates are based on the best information available at this time.

Communities included:

Basque Reef, Sampsons Pond, Western Beach, Little MacDonald Lake, Kelpy Cove, Barren Lake, Rear Irish Cove Lakes, Island Lake, Gillis Lake, Les Rochers, Loch Lomond West, Gaspereaux Lake, Narrow Lake, Indian Rock, Murrays Pond, Powderhorn Lake, Cemetery Lake, MacDonald Lake, Little MacLeod Brook, L'Ardoise Lake, Little Breaker, Chisholm Brook, Morrison Lake, Sand Cove, School Lake, Grand River, Irish Cove Nature Reserve, MacLeod Brook, Bissett Island, MacDonald Brook, Rory Neils Lakes, Garrets Lake, Willow Pond, Lake Uist, Seal Rocks, Beaver Narrows, Mountain Lake, MacKinnon Lake, Archie MacKeigans Brook, Klondyke Lake, Black River Pond, Lac Pourri, Glengarry Valley, Basque Island, MacKenzies Lake, Benjamins Point, Morrison Brook, Petit Nez Shoal, Little MacCuish Brook, North Glen, Salem Road, MacKenzies Brook, Little Round Lake, Enon Lake, White Rock, MacLeod Lake, Michaud Ledges, Michaud Cove, MacDonald Brook, The Bar, Ken Power Brook, MacInnis Lake, Delmars Lake, Briands Island, MacVicar Brook, Johnston Lakes, Barren Hill Lake, MacAdams Lake, MacCuishs Lake, La Grosse Bosse, Strachans Cove, John MacKeigans Brook, Kates Brook, Willis Lake, Scotts Island, MacKay Pond, Carlos Cove, MacVicar Point, Beauvais Lake, Colin MacRaes Lakes, McKay Lake, Black Breaker Rock, Damions Cove, Morrison Point, Fergusons Lake, Flat Rock, Kate Rock, Basque Islands Nature Reserve, Dock Point, Round Shoal, Red Lake, MacDougall Lake, White Lily Lake, Morrison Lake, Chisholm Dam Lake, Stone Lake, Finlayson Lake, McCuish Lake, Latimers Pond, St. Peters Bay, MacLennan Lake, MacLeods Lakes, Munroe Lake, Boyd Lake, MacNeils Lake, Upper Kelpy Cove Lake, Little MacLeod Lake, Cape George Harbour, Bethunes Island, Boot Lake, MacVicars Lake, Maddox Pond, MacAskills Lakes, Lizzies Lake, MacKay Lake, MacCuishs Brook, Dam Lake, Crawley Lakes, Green Island, Lochside, French Cove, Benjamins Pond, L'Ardoise Long Lake, Point Michaud Beach, Middle Cape Lakes, Shaws Pond, Big Island Lake, Heifer Lake, The Passage, Benjamins Cove, Basque Islands, Fougeres Cove, St. Esprit Beach, Black Point, Shaw Lakes, Shag Ledge, Carters Cove, Narrows Point, Rock Lake, MacKinnons Marsh, Huntington Bay, Cape George, Pattersons Lake, Mira Hills, Basque Shoal, Loch Lomond, St. Peters Inlet, East Bay Hills, Gregory Island, Loch Lomond, Barren Hill, Carters Cove, Head of Loch Lomond, Mount Auburn, Grand River, Lake Uist, Enon, The Rocher

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