Area progress map | May 2019 | Prior to the Internet for Nova Scotia Initiative
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Area progress map | Summer 2022
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Area Progress Map | End of 2023
View MapBuild Nova Scotia is the Crown Corporation responsible for developing and implementing a strategy to provide high-speed Internet access across Nova Scotia.
The Internet for Nova Scotia Initiative will make access to high-speed Internet available to more than 95% of Nova Scotian homes and businesses—and as close to 100% as possible.
We created the Internet for Nova Scotia Initiative to find solutions. In December 2018, we announced a call to organizations interested in providing Internet services in Nova Scotia to pre-qualify to bid on projects. Ten pre-qualified organizations were announced in the spring of 2019.
A Request for Proposals (RFP) for projects designed to provide connections starting in 2020 was issued in May 2019 (and closed in June 2019). Build Nova Scotia completed evaluations of the project proposals and negotiated agreements with selected proponents. First round projects were announced in February 2020.
In Fall 2019, 5 more pre-qualified organizations were added and announced. They join the 10 previously selected and all will be invited to respond to all future RFPs.
See the 15 pre-qualified providers here.
A further call for bids for longer-term projects was issued immediately after the first round of projects were announced. This RFP closed June 5, 2020 and these Round 2 projects were announced in September 2020. Several scope expansion projects have been announced since then.
With COVID-19, we worked with our Internet Service Providers to review all current projects with an aim to go faster where possible. Some acceleration efforts took place for first round projects with up to $15 million available from the Trust as part of the $193 million.
All projects approved to date for funding by the Trust provide at least target speeds required by the CRTC (50 Mbps down/10 Mbps up for wired, 25 Mbps down/5 Mbps up for wireless, with a demonstrated plan to reach 50 Mbps). Many are greatly exceeding these speeds.
For remaining underserved, the Satellite Internet Service Rebate Program launched in August 2022 and covers the one-time costs for eligible homes and businesses to set-up satellite internet, including hardware, taxes, shipping and installation, up to a maximum of $1,000.
On November 30, 2022 the program expanded to additional homes and businesses that currently don’t have access to high-speed internet. This includes those in a project area, not yet complete. Projects previously announced through the Internet for Nova Scotia Initiative continue to advance. This will provide an interim solution for many Nova Scotians.
The rebate remains available to the approximate 3,700 homes and businesses for which no feasible wired or wireless internet solution has been found.
Connection matters. We all know that reliable high-speed Internet is critical—for access to health and education services, for business, and for people to connect with the world and one another. COVID-19 underlined the urgency of making these connections and improving this service as soon as possible.
We worked with our Internet Service Providers to identify projects that can help us move faster. Some acceleration efforts for first round projects took place with an approval to utilize up to $15M from the Trust for possible efforts. We continue to look at options and work with our partners to move all projects forward faster if possible. When you are working from home or your kids are learning from home, high-speed Internet is your lifeline to the wider world.
$5.6M was invested in speeding up installation of Round 1 projects, including the installation of towers in 100 days verses 12 months in Cumberland/Colchester, faster completion in Elmsdale, Caledonia and Shelburne projects, some easing of congestion on existing tower networks, as well as some acceleration of fibre installation in projects across the province.
We've worked to help reduce red tape, speed-up regulatory approvals and ensure better coordination among all of the people working to bring service to your door. In some cases, we have found opportunities to ease congestion on existing services and enhance the current quality of Internet connections.