Homes/Businesses will have New Access
NS Internet Trust Investment
Service Provider
Connection Technology
Communities in this zone
Below is a snapshot of communities and project areas in this zone. Additional information will be added for each project as it becomes available. This will include general coverage maps, estimated completion timelines, and any upcoming community webinars, events or other activities. If you don’t see your home or community in projects listed to date, please know we will be urgently looking at next steps to extend service to remaining communities and will continue to provide updates here as they are available. We remain committed to cover as close to 100% of Nova Scotian homes and businesses as possible.
Scope Expansion - Grand Narrows
Postal Code Areas: B1T
Benacadie, Benacadie Point, Benacadie Pond, Benacadie River, Benacadie West, Big Beach, Big Brook, Big Pond Shunacadie, Black Point, Castle Bay, Christmas Island, Christmas Island Pond, Coopers Pond, Derby Point, Eagle Hill, Goose Pond, Grand Narrows, Hare Brook, Jims Brook, Kelly Point, Kelly…
Scope Expansion - Louisbourg (Complete)
Postal Code Areas: B1C
Baleine, Bear Gulch Ponds, East Head, Little Lorraine, Little Lorraine Harbour, Long Bridge Brook, Middleground Shoal, Point Roche, School Brook, Tweedies Point, Wakes Rock
Scope Expansion - Marion Bridge (Complete)
Postal Code Areas: B1K
Alex Gillis Island, Back Brook, Big Ridge, Big Ridge South, Bonds Meadow, Bonds Meadow Brook, Campbell Lake, Campbelldale, Easg Brook, Figure of Eight Lake, French Road, Gaspereaux River, Gillis Lakes, Grand Mira North, Hillsdale Road, Huntington, Huntington Bay, Huntington Lake, Indian Point,…
Scope Expansion - North Sydney
Postal Code Areas: B1Y, B2A, B1L
Almons Point, Beechmont, Beechmont North, Campbell Lakes, Carmichaels Point, Curry Lake, Currys Brook, Forresters Lake, Frenchvale, Georges River, Georges River Barachois, Georges River Inlet, Gillis Lake, Gillis Lake Falls, Gouthro Lake, Johnson Lake, Johnson Lake Nature Reserve, Leitches Brook,…
Scope Expansion - Port Morien
Postal Code Areas: B1B
Back Cove, Beaver Pond, Black Brook, Black Brook Morien, Broughton, Campbell Point, Campbell Pond, Deep Cove, False Bay, False Bay Head, Fox Island, Henry Brook, Homeville, Homeville River, Howards Cove, Long Cove, Long Pond, Loon Lake, MacVicars Pond, Port Morien Beach, Round Island, Round Island…
Scope Expansion - Sydney (Complete)
Postal Code Areas: B1K, B1L
Cranberry Pond, Front Lake, Front Lake, Little Hay Lake, MacKeigan Lake, Caribou Marsh
Scope Expansion - Sydney Mines (Complete)
Postal Code Areas: B1X, B1Y
Black Brook, Southside Boularderie, Boularderie West, Hillside Boularderie
Boisdale (Complete)
Postal Code Areas: B1T, B1Y
Barrachois, Barrachois Harbour, Beaver Brook, Beaver Cove, Big Pond, Boisdale, Camerons Pond, Campbell Brook, Campbell Pond, Crooked Beach, Cross Point, Fox Brook, Glasgow, Ironville, Johnston Brook, Little Pond, Long Island, MacDonald Brook, MacDonalds Point, MacDougalls Point, MacIsaacs Brook,…
East Bay South (Complete)
Postal Code Areas: B1J, B1K, B1L, B2E
Archie MacKeigans Brook, Ben Eoin, Ben Eoin Provincial Park, Benjamins Cove, Benjamins Point, Benjamins Pond, Bethunes Island, Big Glen, Big Pond, Big Pond Centre, Boyd Lake, Breac Brook, Campbell Point, Cemetery Lake, Chisholm Brook, Chisholm Dam Lake, Cossitt Point, Curries Pond, Curry Lake, Dan…
Gabarus (complete)
Postal Code Areas: B1K
Ayles Shoal, Bad Neighbour Shoal, Barren Point, Bear Cove, Bear Cove Point, Bear Cove Pond, Belfry Beach, Belfry Gut, Belfry Head, Belfry Lake, Big Henrys Island, Breeches Lake, Buscombe Lake, Butter Island, Cailleux Hill, Canns Point, Canns Pond, Canoe Lake, Cricket Lake, Cripple Cove, Dog Rocks,…
Marion Bridge (Complete)
Postal Code Areas: B1K
Main-a-Dieu and surrounding areas (Complete)
Postal Code Areas: B1C
Louisbourg (Complete)
Postal Code Areas: B1C
Please see map for estimated completion dates for areas in this project.
New Scope Expansion Project (Various Communities)
Postal Code Areas: B0E, B0H, B0J, B0N, B0P, B0T, B0V, B0W, B1K, B1N, B1P, B3E, B4V, B5A
Admiral Rock, Aldersville, Ashmore, Avondale, Avonport, Aylesford Lake, Barrington, Belmont, Blackstone, Blue Rocks, Boylston, Branch LaHave, Brazil Lake, Brenton, Broad Cove, Carleton, Charleston, Charlesville, Chester Grant, Coffinscroft, Crousetown, Darlings Lake, Deerfield, Doctors Cove, East…
Scope Expansion — Woodbine
Postal Code Areas: B1L
Scope Expansion — Georges River (COMPLETE)
Postal Code Areas: B1Y