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Noel (Complete)

Postal Code Areas: B0N

Bell Canada
Fibre to home/business
Anticipated Completion:
February 2021

Note: Some addresses may not have been entered into Bell’s Customer Service Centre, at time of update.

Communities included:

Austin Lake, Bear Brook, Beech Brook, Bulmer Brook, Burntcoat, Burntcoat Head, Cape Tenny, Densmores Mills, Doyle Brook, East Noel, East Noel River, Gormanville, Halfmoon Cove, Hines Lake, John Hennigar Lake, King Creek, King Creek Brook, Lake Road, Louis Crowe Lake, Minasville, Moose Brook, Moose Brook, Moose Cove, Noel, Noel Bay, Noel Head, Noel Lake, Noel River, Noel Shore, North Noel Road, Northfield, Northfield Bog, Rennie Brook, Shad Creek, Shad Creek Brook, Shaky Lake, Sloop Rocks, Tennycape, Tennycape River

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