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Homes/Businesses will have New Access
$  M
NS Internet Trust Investment
Bell Canada, Seaside Communications
Service Provider
Fibre to home/business
Connection Technology

Communities in this zone

Below is a snapshot of communities and project areas in this zone. Additional information will be added for each project as it becomes available. This will include general coverage maps, estimated completion timelines, and any upcoming community webinars, events or other activities. If you don’t see your home or community in projects listed to date, please know we will be urgently looking at next steps to extend service to remaining communities and will continue to provide updates here as they are available. We remain committed to cover as close to 100% of Nova Scotian homes and businesses as possible.

*Seaside Communications with We'koqma'q First Nation

Scope Expansion - Meat Cove (complete)

Postal Code Areas: B0C, B0E

Meat Cove

Bell Canada
Fibre to home/business
Anticipated Completion:
October-December 2024

Note: Some addresses may not have been entered into Bell’s Customer Service Centre, at time of update.

Community notes:

  • Individual addresses may have access before full project area complete.
  • Addresses with access to date will be posted here, as available.
  • If your location is in the red zone, off a blue road and serviced by power lines, you’re expected to be served.
  • Please check for Satellite Internet Service Rebate Program eligibility as an interim solution and learn more here.

Communities included:

Meat Cove

Scope Expansion - Inverness

Postal Code Areas: B0E

Angus Brook, Beatons Brook, Beatons Mountain, Black River, Black River Bog Nature Reserve, Broad Cove, Broad Cove Chapel, Broad Cove Marsh, Broad Cove River, Camerons Brook, Campbell Brook, Campbellton, Cape Mabou, Claverhouse, Cobb Brook, Collins Brook, Dan MacDonalds Brook, Deepdale, Donks Beach,…

Bell Canada
Fibre to home/business
Anticipated Completion:
November-December 2024

Note: Some addresses may not have been entered into Bell’s Customer Service Centre, at time of update.

Community notes:

  • Individual addresses may have access before project area is complete.
  • Addresses with access to date will be posted here, as available.
  • If your location is in the red zone, off a blue road and serviced by power lines, you’re expected to be served.
  • Please check for Satellite Internet Service Rebate Program eligibility as an interim solution and learn more here.

Communities included:

Angus Brook, Beatons Brook, Beatons Mountain, Black River, Black River Bog Nature Reserve, Broad Cove, Broad Cove Chapel, Broad Cove Marsh, Broad Cove River, Camerons Brook, Campbell Brook, Campbellton, Cape Mabou, Claverhouse, Cobb Brook, Collins Brook, Dan MacDonalds Brook, Deepdale, Donks Beach, Donks Mountain, Donks Reef, Dunbar Brook, Dunbars Point, Dunvegan, East Lake Ainslie, Foot Cape, Frasers Brook, Gillis Brook, Gillis Cove, Gillis Mountain, Gillis Point, Glen Campbellton, Glenville, Godfreys Mountain, Hays River, Hectors Brook, Howard MacLeans Point, Inverside, Jack MacQuarries Brook, John MacDougall Brook, Johnson Brook, Kenloch, Kennedys Brook, Kennedys Shore, Little Camerons Brook, MacCormicks Corner, MacDonalds Brook, MacDonalds Cove, MacEachern Brook, MacEacherns Brook, MacInnis Brook, MacIsaac Point, MacIsaacs Brook, MacKays Brook, MacKinnons Brook, MacLeans Cove, MacLellan Brook, MacLellans Brook, MacLellans Pond, MacLellans Shore, MacLeods Beach, MacLeods Brook, MacLeods Shore, MacMillans Brook, MacMillans Mountain, MacMillans Point, MacPhails Brook, MacPhersons Shore, MacRaes Beach, Marsh Point, Mason Point, McAulay Brook, McDougall Bluff, Murdoch MacLeods Brook, Murphys Brook, North Ainslie, North Cape Highlands, Ottawa Brook, Paisela Brook, Plaster Rocks, Plaster Rocks Cove, Port Ban, Port Ban Cove, Ranalds Brook, Ranalds Cove, Rear Dunvegan, Riverville, Saddlers Brook, Schoolhouse Brook, Scotsville, Shaws Brook, Shaws Mountain, Sight Point, Smiths Brook, Smiths Point, Stewarts Brook, Strathlorne, Strathlorne Station, The Pond, Trout Brook, Twin Rock Valley, Victoria Road, Walkers Brook, West Lake Ainslie, White Brook

Scope Expansion - Port Hawkesbury (COMPLETE)

Postal Code Areas: B0E, B9A

Archies Brook, Askilton, Birch Island, Black Brook, Brown Brook, Brûlé Point, Cleveland, Cloakes Point, Crandall Road, Creignish, Creignish Mountain, Creignish Rear, Dowlings Brook, Duncan Walkers Island, Ferguson Brook, Fergusons Point, Glendale, Glendale Brook, Glenora, Glenora Brook, Grantville,…

Bell Canada
Fibre to home/business
Anticipated Completion:
September-November 2024

Note: Some addresses may not have been entered into Bell’s Customer Service Centre, at time of update.

Community notes:

  • Individual addresses often have access before full project area complete.
  • Addresses with access to date will be posted here, as available.
  • If your location is in the red zone, off a blue road and serviced by power lines, you’re expected to be served.
  • Please check for Satellite Internet Service Rebate Program eligibility as an interim solution and learn more here.

Communities included:

Archies Brook, Askilton, Birch Island, Black Brook, Brown Brook, Brûlé Point, Cleveland, Cloakes Point, Crandall Road, Creignish, Creignish Mountain, Creignish Rear, Dowlings Brook, Duncan Walkers Island, Ferguson Brook, Fergusons Point, Glendale, Glendale Brook, Glenora, Glenora Brook, Grantville, Heffernan Pond, Horton Brook, Horton Lake, Hureaus Point, Hureauville, Kempt Road, Kingsville, Lake Murray, Lamey Brook, Lexington, Low Point, MacArthurs Lake, MacColls Brook, MacDonalds Brook, MacGregors Lake, MacIntyre Lake, Mackdale, MacLeods Brook, MacMaster Brook, MacMasters Brook, MacMillan Lakes, MacPherson Brook, Maple Brook, Melville, Middle Lake, Mill Brook, Morrisons Brook, Northwest Arm Intervale, Northwest Arm of the River Inhabitants, Peters Brook, Princeville, Proctors West Cove, Queensville, River Inhabitants, River Inhabitants Nature Reserve, Riverside, Rough Brook, Scanlans Point, Smelt Brook, Steeles Brook, Sugar Camp, Sugar Camp Brook, Upper MacMillan Lake, Walkers Island, West Bay Road, Whale Cove, Whale Point

Scope Expansion - Baddeck

Postal Code Areas: B0E, B1X

Baddeck Bay, Beinn Bhreagh, Crescent Grove, Herring Cove, Long Hill, MacKillops Pond, Red Head, The Harbour

Bell Canada
Fibre to home/business
Anticipated Completion:
December 2024*

* Estimated completion dates are based on best information available at this time and are subject to change.

Community notes:

  • Please refer to Baddeck project page here for status updates on this project.

Communities included:

Baddeck Bay, Beinn Bhreagh, Crescent Grove, Herring Cove, Long Hill, MacKillops Pond, Red Head, The Harbour

Scope Expansion - St. Peter's West (Complete)

Postal Code Areas: B0E

Cordeau Point, Richards Pond, Savage Point

Bell Canada
Fibre to home/business
Anticipated Completion:
July 2023

Note: Some addresses may not have been entered into Bell’s Customer Service Centre, at time of update.

Community notes:

  • Individual addresses may have access before full project area complete.
  • Addresses with access to date will be posted here, as available.
  • Please check for Satellite Internet Service Rebate Program eligibility as an interim solution and learn more here.

Communities included:

Cordeau Point, Richards Pond, Savage Point

Scope Expansion - Louisdale (Complete)

Postal Code Areas: B0E

Buchanan Lake, Grandique Ferry, MacDonald Mountain, Rae Brook, Sammys Point

Bell Canada
Fibre to home/business
Anticipated Completion:
March 2023

Note: Some addresses may not have been entered into Bell’s Customer Service Centre, at time of update.

Community notes:

  • Individual addresses may have access before full project area complete.
  • Addresses with access to date will be posted here, as available.
  • Please check for Satellite Internet Service Rebate Program eligibility as an interim solution and learn more here.

Communities included:

Buchanan Lake, Grandique Ferry, MacDonald Mountain, Rae Brook, Sammys Point

Scope Expansion - Iona (Complete)

Postal Code Areas: B2C

Barra Glen, Bens Beach, Bens Pond, Blacksmith Point, Gillis Beach, Gillis Point, Gillis Pond, Grass Cove, Hectors Point, Highland Hill, Iona, Iona Beach, Iona Rear, Jamesville, Jamesville West, John Alex Cove, John Alex Pond, MacInnis Pond, MacLeans Little Brook, MacPherson Point, MacRitchies Pond,…

Bell Canada
Fibre to home/business
Anticipated Completion:
June-August 2024

Note: Some addresses may not have been entered into Bell’s Customer Service Centre, at time of update.

Community notes:

  • As of July 2024, project is now complete.
  • Individual addresses often have access before project area is complete.
  • Addresses with access to date will be posted here, as available.
  • If your location is in the red zone, off a blue road and serviced by power lines, you’re expected to be served.
  • Please check for Satellite Internet Service Rebate Program eligibility as an interim solution and learn more here.

Communities included:

Barra Glen, Bens Beach, Bens Pond, Blacksmith Point, Gillis Beach, Gillis Point, Gillis Pond, Grass Cove, Hectors Point, Highland Hill, Iona, Iona Beach, Iona Rear, Jamesville, Jamesville West, John Alex Cove, John Alex Pond, MacInnis Pond, MacLeans Little Brook, MacPherson Point, MacRitchies Pond, McKinnons Brook, McKinnons Harbour, McKinnons Point, Nashs Brook, Ottawa Brook, Plaster Cove, Plaster Cove Ponds, Red Point, Red Point East, Red Point West, St. Columba, Uniacke Point, Walkers Brook

Arichat (Complete)

Postal Code Areas: B0E

Anse à la Chaloupe, Anse au Poulamon, Arichat Goulet, Babin Point, Bay of Rocks, Bee Island, Benoit Creek, Benoit Creek Brook, Benoits Big Creek, Bernard Island, Berry Island, Bewes Shoal, Birch Shoal, Black Point, Black Rock, Campbell Island, Cap La Ronde, Cap Ronde, Cape Auguet, Cape Auguet Bay,…

Bell Canada
Fibre to home/business
Anticipated Completion:
January 2024

Note: Some addresses may not have been entered into Bell’s Customer Service Centre, at time of update.

Community notes:

  • Project now complete. Final updated list of addresses to come.
  • Individual addresses may have access before full project area complete.
  • Addresses with access to date will be posted here, as available.
  • Please check for Satellite Internet Service Rebate Program eligibility as an interim solution and learn more here.

Communities included:

Anse à la Chaloupe, Anse au Poulamon, Arichat Goulet, Babin Point, Bay of Rocks, Bee Island, Benoit Creek, Benoit Creek Brook, Benoits Big Creek, Bernard Island, Berry Island, Bewes Shoal, Birch Shoal, Black Point, Black Rock, Campbell Island, Cap La Ronde, Cap Ronde, Cape Auguet, Cape Auguet Bay, Carrigans Cove, Crow Island, D'Escousse, D'Escousse Harbour, D'Escousse Shoal, Deep Brook, Deep Cove, Delorier Island, Delorier Point, Doreys Creek, Doreys Creek Point, Doreys Lake, Doreys Ledge, Doreys Point, Doyles Cape, Drinkwaters Head, Eagle Island, Fougeres Brook, Gabion Point, Glasgow Point, Goulet Beach, Goulet Beach Shoal, Grand Lake, Grandique Point, Green Island, Gull Cape, Gull Island, Gurneys Island, Haddock Harbour, Haddock Point, Hawk Island, Île Sec, Indian Point, Isle Madame, Janvrin Harbour, Janvrin Island, Janvrin Island Nature Reserve, Kavanagh Point, Kennys Brook, Kennys Pond, La Mouclière, Lac à Jean, Lac Sec, Lake Elizabeth, Langlois Lake, Latimers Pond, Le Blanc Point, Lennox, Lennox Passage, Lennox Passage Provincial Park, Les Rochers, Levangies Cape, Levesconte Point, Little Barachois, Little Dry Lake, Lochside, Long Bar, Louis Point, MacDonalds Cove, MacNeils Cove, MacNeils Pond, Marache Point, Martinique, Maughers Brook, Maughers Pond, Mussel Island, Mussel Point, North Petit Nez Pond, Parkers Island, Peter Smiths Cove, Petit Nez, Petit Nez Beach, Petite Île, Pointe au Poulamon, Poirierville, Pondville, Pondville Beach, Pondville Beach Provincial Park, Pondville Brook, Pondville South, Port Royal, Potato Island, Pottie Lake, Poulamon, Poulamon Bay, Poulamon Creek, Poulamon Harbour, Poulamon Point, Presqu'ile Cove, Red Cape, Robin Point, Robins, Rocky Bay, Rocky Bay Beach, Rogers Cove, Rose Rocks, Seal Rocks, Shaw Lake, Shaw Point, Simon Briands Point, Skinners Pond, South Petit Nez Pond, St. Marys, St. Marys Harbour, The Goulet, The Pond, The Sluice, The Tickle, Thomas Head, Thorn Creek, Thorn Creek Brook, Victoria Lake


Postal Code Areas: B0E, B1X

Adelaide Brook, Allans Brook, Angus Farquhars Brook, Back Bay, Baddeck Bridge, Baddeck River, Beinn Scalpie, Bentincks Pool, Bevis Point, Big Baddeck, Big Farm, Big Farm Pool, Big Harbour, Big Harbour Brook, Big Hill, Black Brook, Black Cove, Buckwheat Brook, Buckwheat Corner, Cains Pond, Cape…

Bell Canada
Fibre to home/business
Anticipated Completion:
December 2024*

* Estimated completion dates are based on best information available at this time and are subject to change.

Community notes:

  • As of December 2024, 466 of 832 civic addresses remain.
  • Substantial amount of make ready work completed. Nova Scotia Power work ongoing. Cable installation continues.
  • Individual addresses have access before full project area complete.
  • Addresses with access to date will be posted here, as available.
  • If your location is in the red zone, off a blue road and serviced by power lines, you’re expected to be served.
  • Please check for Satellite Internet Service Rebate Program eligibility as an interim solution and learn more here.

Communities included:

Adelaide Brook, Allans Brook, Angus Farquhars Brook, Back Bay, Baddeck Bridge, Baddeck River, Beinn Scalpie, Bentincks Pool, Bevis Point, Big Baddeck, Big Farm, Big Farm Pool, Big Harbour, Big Harbour Brook, Big Hill, Black Brook, Black Cove, Buckwheat Brook, Buckwheat Corner, Cains Pond, Cape Breton Island, Captains Brook, Cow Bay, Crowdis Mountain, Easach Ban, Falls Brook, First Gold Brook, Forks Baddeck, Forks Pool, Foyle Brook, Garry Brook, Gillis Brook, Glen Brook, Glen Tosh, Gold Brook, Harris Brook, Harris Pool, Hunters Mountain, Île du Cap-Breton, Indian Brook, Inlet Baddeck, Leonard MacLeod Brook, Little Barren, Lower Middle River, MacAulays Hill, MacAulays Hill Nature Reserve, MacDonald Brook, MacDonalds Brook, MacDonalds Point, MacKenzie Brook, MacKenzie Pond, MacKillops Pond, MacLean Brook, MacLeods Brook, MacMillan Mountain, MacRae Brook, Marsh Brook, McDonald Brook, Middle River, Mill Brook, Morgan Brook, Morrison Brook, Muskrat Brook, New Glen, New Glen Brook, Nicholsons Pool, North Branch Baddeck River, North Branch Leonard MacLeod Brook, Peters Brook, Plaister Mines, Port Bevis, Rear Big Hill, Rear Forks, Red Bridge Pool, Rice Brook, Rice Pool, Sandy Point, South Gut, South Haven, South Haven Brook, South Side of Baddeck River, Squire Point, St. Anns, Taylors Ponds, Upper MacLeods Point, Upper Middle River, West Middle River, Yankee Line, Baddeck Bay, Beinn Bhreagh, Crescent Grove, Herring Cove, Long Hill, MacKillops Pond, Red Head, The Harbour

Boularderie (Complete)

Postal Code Areas: B1X, B1Y

Aconi (Fifes) Brook, Aulds Cove, Aulds Point, Big Bank, Big Bras d'Or, Black Island, Black Rock, Black Rock Point, Black Rock Shoal, Boularderie, Boularderie Centre, Boularderie East, Boularderie Island, Coffin Point, Dalem Lake, Dalem Lake Provincial Park, Duffus Point, Eddy Rock, Fraser Point,…

Bell Canada
Fibre to home/business
Anticipated Completion:
June 2021

Note: Some addresses may not have been entered into Bell’s Customer Service Centre, at time of update.

Communities included:

Aconi (Fifes) Brook, Aulds Cove, Aulds Point, Big Bank, Big Bras d'Or, Black Island, Black Rock, Black Rock Point, Black Rock Shoal, Boularderie, Boularderie Centre, Boularderie East, Boularderie Island, Coffin Point, Dalem Lake, Dalem Lake Provincial Park, Duffus Point, Eddy Rock, Fraser Point, Gooseberry Beach, Island Point, Kempt Head, Lime Rock, Little Mill Pond, MacAuley Brook, MacEacherns Brook, MacEacherns Pond, MacFarlane Point, MacKays Pond, MacPhees Brook, MacPhees Cove, Man of War Point, McLean Point, McNeil Beach, Mill Pond, Millville, Munro Point, New Dominion, Noir Point, Pattersons Lake, Pattersons Marsh, Ross Ferry, Ross Point, Squatter Bluff, Sutherland Point, Table Head, Table Rock, Upper Kempt Head

Cheticamp (Complete)

Postal Code Areas: B0E

Anse à Bois Meré, Anse à Frédéric, Anse à Petit Homme, Anse des Abraham, Anse des Dosithée, Anse des Philibert, Aucoin Brook, Belle-Marche, Caveau Point, Chéticamp, Chéticamp Beach, Chéticamp Harbour, Chéticamp Island, Étang à Johnny à Eusèbe, Factory Brook, Farm Brook, Fiset Brook, Grand Étang,…

Bell Canada
Fibre to home/business
Anticipated Completion:
May 2021

Note: Some addresses may not have been entered into Bell’s Customer Service Centre, at time of update.

Communities included:

Anse à Bois Meré, Anse à Frédéric, Anse à Petit Homme, Anse des Abraham, Anse des Dosithée, Anse des Philibert, Aucoin Brook, Belle-Marche, Caveau Point, Chéticamp, Chéticamp Beach, Chéticamp Harbour, Chéticamp Island, Étang à Johnny à Eusèbe, Factory Brook, Farm Brook, Fiset Brook, Grand Étang, Grand Étang Harbour, Grand Lac, La Pointe, La Prairie, Lac des Dosithée, Pembroke Brook, Petit Étang, Petit Lac, Plateau, Point Cross, Point Cross Pond, Pointe à la Petite Praire, Pointe du Havre, Redman Basin, Ruisseau des Basile, Ruisseau des Plées Ferrées, Ruisseau du Lac, St. Joseph du Moine

Dingwall (Complete)

Postal Code Areas: B0C

Archies Brook, Aspy Bay, Bay Road Valley, Bay St. Lawrence, Big Intervale, Big Intervale Cape North, Black Head, Black Head Cove, Black Lake, Black Point, Black Point Brook, Burnt Head, Burnt Head Cove, Burtons Pond, Cabot's Landing Provincial Park, Cape North, Capstick, Carters Island, Cat Island,…

Bell Canada
Fibre to home/business
Anticipated Completion:
April 2021

Note: Some addresses may not have been entered into Bell’s Customer Service Centre, at time of update.

Communities included:

Archies Brook, Aspy Bay, Bay Road Valley, Bay St. Lawrence, Big Intervale, Big Intervale Cape North, Black Head, Black Head Cove, Black Lake, Black Point, Black Point Brook, Burnt Head, Burnt Head Cove, Burtons Pond, Cabot's Landing Provincial Park, Cape North, Capstick, Carters Island, Cat Island, Coffins Point, Cornelius Head, Cranberry Marsh Island, Crawleys Brook, Daisleys Island, Deadmans Pond, Dees Island, Dingwall, Dingwall Harbour, Donalds Island, Duggans Cove, Effies Brook, French Gulch, Glasgow Brook, Grassy Point, Grays Hollow, Grays Hollow Brook, Griffins Lake, Halibut Head, Haystack Cove, Johns Brook, Jumping Brook, Lead Island, Lily Pond, Lily Pond Beach, Line Brook, Little Round Lake, Maloneys Island, Middle Aspy River, Middle Brook, Middle Harbour, Middle Harbour Beach, Morrisons Lake, North Aspy River, North Aspy River North Branch, North Aspy River South Branch, North Branch Brook, North Harbour, North Harbour Beach, North Harbour Breaker, Pats Point, Peters Brook, Phils Brook, Pollys Brook, Ramseys Cove, Ramseys Island, Rorys Brook, Salmon River, Sams Mountain, Scotch Cove, Scotch Head, Shag Rock, Sheep Island, Smelt Brook, Smelt Brook Cove, Smelt Brook Shore, South Aspy River, South Harbour, South Harbour Beach, Southwest Branch Brook, Spring Brook, Spruce Point, St. Margaret Village, Stave Point, Sugar Loaf, Sunrise, The Old Man, The Old Woman, Theodore Fricker Mountain, Tongue Brook, Whiskey Den Brook, White Point, Wilkie Brook, Wilkie Sugar Loaf, Wreck Cove, Wreck Cove Brook, Yellow Head, Yellow Head Cove, Yellow Plaster Head, Zwicker Brook

Ingonish (Complete)

Postal Code Areas: B0C

Annie Collins Cove, Black Point, Burke Head, Cameron Brook, Cape Smokey, Cape Smokey Provincial Park, Clyburn Brook, Dundas Brook, Dunphys Creek, Freshwater Lake, Hawleys Cove, Hawleys Point, Hummock Lake, Ingonish, Ingonish Beach, Ingonish Centre, Ingonish Ferry, Ingonish Harbour, Ingonish River,…

Bell Canada
Fibre to home/business
Anticipated Completion:
March-May 2022

Note: Some addresses may not have been entered into Bell’s Customer Service Centre, at time of update.

Community notes:

  • Addresses with access are posted here.
  • Contact Bell for information on options, pricing, installation etc.

Communities included:

Annie Collins Cove, Black Point, Burke Head, Cameron Brook, Cape Smokey, Cape Smokey Provincial Park, Clyburn Brook, Dundas Brook, Dunphys Creek, Freshwater Lake, Hawleys Cove, Hawleys Point, Hummock Lake, Ingonish, Ingonish Beach, Ingonish Centre, Ingonish Ferry, Ingonish Harbour, Ingonish River, Keltic Lodge, Kings Point, MacLeods Point, North Bay Beach, North Bay Ingonish Beach, Power Brook, Red Head, Red Head Brook, Rocky Point, Ross Beach, Smokey Mountain, South Ingonish Harbour, The Point, Warren Brook, White Rock, Whitty Shore, Williams Cove

Inverness (Complete)

Postal Code Areas: B0E

Broad Cove Banks, Inverness, Inverness Beach, Inverness Harbour, More Brook

Bell Canada
Fibre to home/business
Anticipated Completion:
February 2021

Note: Some addresses may not have been entered into Bell’s Customer Service Centre, at time of update.

Communities included:

Broad Cove Banks, Inverness, Inverness Beach, Inverness Harbour, More Brook

L'Ardoise - (COMPLETE)

Postal Code Areas: B0E, B2E, B2J

Bagnells Lake, Bagnells River, Bar Cape, Barren Hill, Barren Hill Lake, Barren Hill Lake Outlet, Black Brook, Black Point, Black Point Lake, Black River, Black River Pond, Blue Lake, Bottle Head, Burkeys Cove, Caribou River, Chapel Cove, Church Lake, Clannon Point, Clannon Pond, Colin MacRaes…

Bell Canada
Fibre to home/business
Anticipated Completion:
March 2024

Note: Some addresses may not have been entered into Bell’s Customer Service Centre, at time of update.

Community notes:

  • Individual addresses may have access before full project area complete.

  • Addresses with access to date will be posted here, as available.
  • If your location is in the red zone, off a blue road and serviced by power lines, you’re expected to be served.
  • Please check for Satellite Internet Service Rebate Program eligibility as an interim solution and learn more here.

Communities included:

Bagnells Lake, Bagnells River, Bar Cape, Barren Hill, Barren Hill Lake, Barren Hill Lake Outlet, Black Brook, Black Point, Black Point Lake, Black River, Black River Pond, Blue Lake, Bottle Head, Burkeys Cove, Caribou River, Chapel Cove, Church Lake, Clannon Point, Clannon Pond, Colin MacRaes Lakes, Colins Cove, Colins Point, Crooked Lake, Delmars Lake, Duncans Lake, Ebens Brook, English Cove, English Pond, Ephraims Pond, Ferguson River, Fergusons Lake, Fergusons Lake Brook, Fergusons Pond, Finlayson Lake, Firmains Pond, Five Island Lake, Flat Rock, Fourchu Coast Wilderness Area, Framboise, Framboise Beach, Framboise Cove, Framboise Gut, Framboise Intervale, Framboise River, Gracieville, Grand River, Grand River Falls, Hay Hill Lake, Hay Lake, Isabelles Brook, Island Lake, Jessies Brook, Jimmy MacLeods Brook, Jones Pond, Kemps Lake, Kemps Point, Klondikes Brook, L'Archeveque, L'Archeveque Cove, L'Archeveque Lake, L'Ardoise, L'Ardoise Beach, L'Ardoise Head, L'Ardoise West, LaBelles Cape, Lac des Justes, Landrys Lake, Les Rochers, Lewis Cove Road, Little Breaker, Little Harbour, Little Harbour Pond, Little Johns Brook, Little MacLeod Lake, Little Round Lake, Lizzies Lake, Long Lake, Lower L'Ardoise, Lower Lardoise Beach, Lower Marie Joseph Lake, Lower St. Esprit, MacAskills Brook, MacAskills Lakes, MacCormicks Brook, MacDermids Lake, MacDonalds Brook, MacKay Brook, MacKay Lake, MacKay Lake Brook, MacKay Pond, MacKenzie Lake, MacKenzies Brook, MacKillop Brook, MacKillops Lake, MacKillops Pond, MacKinnons Lake, MacLeod Brook, MacLeods Brook, MacLeods Ponds, MacLeods Ponds Brook, MacLeods Stillwaters, MacQuinns Stillwaters, Mad Bull, Maddox Pond, Malcolms Meadows, Marie Joseph Brook, Marsh Brook, Martin Point, Mary Anns Brook, Mary Anns Lake, Matheson Brook, Mathesons Rock, Michaud Cove, Middle River Framboise, Millers Brook, Mombourquettes Pond, Morrisons Beach, Morrisons Brook, Murchison Brook, Murphys Brook, Murphys Pond, Muskrat Lake, Narrow Pond, North Framboise, Northeast Framboise River, Paddys Brook, Pattersons Lake, Peters Lake, Point Michaud, Point Michaud Beach, Pothier Point, Rat Lake, Rattling Brook, Red Cape, Red Head, Reids Brook, Rockdale, Rorys Pond, Salmon River, Sampsons Pond, School Lake, Schoolhouse Brook, Seal Rocks, Shag Ledge, Shaws Cove, Shaws Pond, Smelt Brook, Smiths Brook, St. Esprit, St. Esprit Beach, St. Esprit Lake, Stewarts Pond, Stinking Pond, Stirling, Strachans Brook, Taylors Brook, Three Island Cove, Upper Kelpy Cove Lake, Upper Marie Joseph Lake, Urquharts Point, West Branch of Marie Joseph Brook, Western Beach, Willow Pond

Louisdale (Complete)

Postal Code Areas: B0E

Angus Brook, Ballam Shoal, Ballams Point, Ballams Pond, Balmoral, Ben Hughies Brook, Black River, Cameron Brook, Cameron Point, Campbells Mountain, Campbells Point, Campbells Pond, Dallas Brook, Daniels Brook, Dumpling Island, Dundee, Dunpheys Cove, Dunpheys Head, Head of West Bay Cove, Indian…

Bell Canada
Fibre to home/business
Anticipated Completion:
March 2023

Note: Some addresses may not have been entered into Bell’s Customer Service Centre, at time of update.

Community notes:

  • Individual addresses often have access before project area is complete.
  • Addresses with access to date will be posted here, as available.
  • Please check for Satellite Internet Service Rebate Program eligibility as an interim solution and learn more here.

Communities included:

Angus Brook, Ballam Shoal, Ballams Point, Ballams Pond, Balmoral, Ben Hughies Brook, Black River, Cameron Brook, Cameron Point, Campbells Mountain, Campbells Point, Campbells Pond, Dallas Brook, Daniels Brook, Dumpling Island, Dundee, Dunpheys Cove, Dunpheys Head, Head of West Bay Cove, Indian Beach, Johnny MacInnes Brook, Kens Brook, Kuliks Brook, Kuliks Point, Leonards Island, Leonards Pond, Lime Hill, MacCuspics Brook, MacIntosh Cove, MacIntosh Point, MacKenzies Little Brook, MacKenzies Point, MacLeans Cove, MacLeod Brook, MacLeod Brook Nature Reserve, MacLeod Creek, MacLeods Pond, MacPhee Brook, MacPhees Brook, MacRae Island, MacRaes Brook, MacRaes Point, MacRaes Shoal, Magnus Island, Malcolm Cove, Malcolm Cove Beach, Malcolms Brook, Malcolms Island, Marshes (West Bay), McInnes Point, McInnes Shoals, Morrisons Cove, North Cove, Pringle Harbour, Pringle Island, Rae Cove, Rear Black River, Red Brook, Ross Brook, Ross Point, Ross Pond, Spruce Point, St. Georges Channel, The Points West Bay, Third Lake, Urquharts Brook, West Bay, West Bay Centre, White Brook

Mabou (Complete)

Postal Code Areas: B0E

Allan Brook, Alpine Ridge, Beaton Point, Big Cove, Blackstone, Brook Village, Brook Village Brook, Cameron Brook, Camerons Brook, Campbell Brook, Centreville, Coal Mine Point, Elgin Brook, Finlay MacDonald Brook, Finlay Point, Gillis Brook, Glencoe, Glencoe Mills, Glendyer, Glendyer Brook, Glendyer…

Bell Canada
Fibre to home/business
Anticipated Completion:
March 2023

Note: Some addresses may not have been entered into Bell’s Customer Service Centre, at time of update.

Community notes:

  • Individual addresses may have access before full project area complete.
  • Addresses with access to date will be posted here, as available.
  • Please check for Satellite Internet Service Rebate Program eligibility as an interim solution and learn more here.

Communities included:

Allan Brook, Alpine Ridge, Beaton Point, Big Cove, Blackstone, Brook Village, Brook Village Brook, Cameron Brook, Camerons Brook, Campbell Brook, Centreville, Coal Mine Point, Elgin Brook, Finlay MacDonald Brook, Finlay Point, Gillis Brook, Glencoe, Glencoe Mills, Glendyer, Glendyer Brook, Glendyer Station, Glengarry, Glenora Falls, Goose Point, Green Point, Hawleys Hill, Hectors Brook, Hillsboro, Hughes Point, Hyannas, Indian Point, Johnny Angus Brook, Johnny Bans Ponds, Mabou, Mabou Harbour, Mabou Harbour Mountain, Mabou Harbour Mouth, Mabou Mines, Mabou Mountain, Mabou Provincial Park, Mabou River, Mabou Station, MacDonalds Glen, MacDonalds Glen Brook, MacEacherns Cove, MacFarlane Woods Nature Reserve, MacIsaacs Glen Brook, MacKinnons Brook, MacLeans Point, MacLeod Brook, MacLeod Settlement, MacNeils Brook, MacPhees Brook, MacPhees Cove, MacPhees Island, MacQuarrie Brook, McKeens Point, Melrose Hill, Mill Brook, Miramichi, Miramichi Brook, Mull River, Mullins Brook, Murphy Point, Nevada Valley, Nicholsons Island, Northeast Cove, Northeast Mabou, Northeast Mabou River, Phillips Brook, Priest Point, Rankins Brook, Rankinville, Sams Cove, Sams Point, Sheas Brook, Smithville, Southwest Mabou, Southwest Mabou River, Southwest Ridge, Southwest Ridge Brook, The Flats, The Sand Dunes, Upper Glencoe, Upper Southwest Mabou, West Mabou

Margaree Forks

Postal Code Areas: B0E

Abrahams Pool, Alder Brook, Allans Brook, Angus Brook, Bens Brook, Big Brook, Big Intervale, Black Rock Pool, Blacksmiths Brook, Boars Back Pool, Boarsback Pool, Brook Pool, By-the-Road Pool, Cameron Brook, Camerons Pool, Captain Allans Brook, Carrolls Pool, Cemetery Pool, Chance Pool, Charlie…

Bell Canada
Fibre to home/business
Substantially Complete
Anticipated Completion:
Please see Community Notes below*

* Estimated completion dates are based on best information available at this time and are subject to change.

Community notes:

  • As of December 2024, 9 of 973 civic addresses remain.
  • Remaining addresses waiting on easement.
  • Individual addresses have access before full project area complete.
  • Addresses with access to date will be posted here, as available.
  • If your location is in the red zone, off a blue road and serviced by power lines, you’re expected to be served.
  • Please check for Satellite Internet Service Rebate Program eligibility as an interim solution and learn more here.

Communities included:

Abrahams Pool, Alder Brook, Allans Brook, Angus Brook, Bens Brook, Big Brook, Big Intervale, Black Rock Pool, Blacksmiths Brook, Boars Back Pool, Boarsback Pool, Brook Pool, By-the-Road Pool, Cameron Brook, Camerons Pool, Captain Allans Brook, Carrolls Pool, Cemetery Pool, Chance Pool, Charlie Brook, Coady Brook, Coady Road, Coadys Swamp, Collins Brook, Collins Pool, Cooper Brook, Corner Pool, Cranton Bridge Pool, Creamery Bridge Pool, Cribbed Run Pool, Crowdis Pool, Donald Gillis Pool, Doyles Bridge Pool, Drakes Brook, Eagles Nest Pool, Egypt Brook, Egypt Road, Elwoods Run Pool, Emerald, Etheridge Brook, Etheridge Pool, Fahey Pool, Fence Run Pool, First Brook Pool, First Fork Brook, First Lake O'Law, Forest Glen Brook, Fortune Brook, Francis Coadys Brook, Frasers Mountain, Garden Pool, Gillis Bridge Pool, Gillis Pool, Gillisdale, Gulch Brook, Hart Pool, Hatchery Pool, Hogsback Hill, Ingram Brook, Inverness, Jack Gillis Brook, Jackie MacDonalds Brook, Jim Easter Pool, Jim Easters Pool, John Archies Pool, John Donalds Lower Brook, John Doyles Pool, John P's Hole Pool, John Philiberts Gulch, Johnsons Brook, Keppoch, Kingross, Lairds Run Pool, Lake O'Law, Lake O'Law Brook, Lake-O-Law Provincial Park, Lavis Brook, Ledges Pool, Levis Pool, Libbus Pool, Little Falls Run Pool, Little McDaniel Pool, Log Jam Pool, MacDonalds Glen Brook, MacDonnell Brook, MacDonnell Pool, MacFarlanes Brook, MacIsaacs Mountain, MacKenzies Brook, MacKinnons Mountain, MacLean Brook, MacLeans Pool, MacLellans Brook, Mad Brook Pool, Maggie Ranalds Brook, Maggie Ranalds Gulch, Maple Pool, Margaree Brook, Margaree Brook Nature Reserve, Margaree Centre, Margaree Forks, Margaree Valley, Marks Shanty Brook, Marsh Brook, Martin Camerons Brook, Martin Camerons Pool, Matheson Glen Brook, Mill Brook, Morrisons Pool, Mount Coady, Mount Pleasant, Mount Pleasant Brook, Munro Brook, Murphy Brook, Nelsons Pool, Nile Brook, Noon Pool, North East Margaree, Old Bridge Pool, Peter Gillis Pool, Peter MacFarlane Pool, Peters Brook, Phillips Mountain, Phillips Mountain Lookoff, Pine Brook, Pipers Glen, Plaster Rock Pool, Portree, Red Bank Pool, Rivulet, Rock Pile Pool, Rock Pool, Ross Bridge Pool, Round Mountain, Ryan Brook, Salt Brook, Schoolhouse Brook, Second Lake O'Law, Sheperds Rock Pool, Skye Lodge Pool, Slide Pool, Snag Pool, South Nile Brook, South West Margaree, South West Margaree Provincial Park, Stewart Brook, Sugarloaf Mountain, Sugarloaf Mountain Wilderness Area, Sunday Run Pool, Swallow Bank Pool, Swimming Hole Pool, Tanners Brook, Tanners Run Pool, Tent Pool, The Slide, Timmins Brook, Tingley Rock Pool, Tompkins Brook, Trout Hole Pool, Twelve O'Clock Mountain, Twin Elm Pool, Upper Barracks Pool, Upper Ledges Pool, Upper Margaree, Upper Tompkins Pool, Ward Brook, Wards Pool, Wash Pool, Watsons Brook, William Donalds Brook

Margaree Harbour

Postal Code Areas: B0E

Anse des Arsenault, Anse des Delaney, Anse des Doucet, Arsenaults Brook, Arsenaults Pond, Barrack Pool, Belle Côte, Belle Côte Beach, Big McDaniel Pool, Black Rock, Blanchards Brook, Bocan Brook, Cap Le Moine, Charlie Donalds Brook, Charlie MacLeods Brook, Chimney Corner, Chimney Corner Beach,…

Bell Canada
Fibre to home/business
Anticipated Completion:
November-December 2024*

* Estimated completion dates are based on best information available at this time and are subject to change.

Community notes:

  • As of December 2024, 61 of 567 civic addresses remain.
  • Redesign to bury fibre along Cabot Trail approved. Engineering work underway.
  • Individual addresses have access before project area is complete.
  • Addresses with access to date will be posted here, as available.
  • If your location is in the red zone, off a blue road and serviced by power lines, you’re expected to be served.
  • Please check for Satellite Internet Service Rebate Program eligibility as an interim solution and learn more here.

Communities included:

Anse des Arsenault, Anse des Delaney, Anse des Doucet, Arsenaults Brook, Arsenaults Pond, Barrack Pool, Belle Côte, Belle Côte Beach, Big McDaniel Pool, Black Rock, Blanchards Brook, Bocan Brook, Cap Le Moine, Charlie Donalds Brook, Charlie MacLeods Brook, Chimney Corner, Chimney Corner Beach, Chimney Corner Nature Reserve, Cormier Lake, Côte des Cadet, Dans Brook, Dawsons Cove, Fordview, Gallant River, Gillis Brook, Joe Elis Brook, Lower Tompkins Pool, MacKays Brook, MacKays Cape, MacKinnons Beach, MacKinnons Brook, MacLeods Ponds, MacNeils Brook, MacNeils Cove, Margaree, Margaree Harbour, Margaree Harbour Beach, Margaree Harbour Southwest Beach, Margaree River, Marsh Brook, Mill Valley Brook, Mizies Brook, Mizies Point, Murphys Brook, Old Bridge Brook, Petite Église Cove, Scotch Hill, Scotch Hill Brook, Seal Pool, Simon Neils Cove, St. Rose, St. Rose Pond, Terre Noire, Tobys Pool, Tompkins Brook, Whale Cove

Neils Harbour (Complete)

Postal Code Areas: B0C

Back Cove, Halfway Brook, Hatchers Point, Murdochs Rock, Neils Brook, Neils Harbour, Neils Harbour Breaker, Neils Harbour Point, Neils Harbour Pond, New Haven, New Haven Cove, Shoal Point, Shoal Point Shoals, Trout Brook

Bell Canada
Fibre to home/business
Anticipated Completion:
February-April 2022

Note: Some addresses may not have been entered into Bell’s Customer Service Centre, at time of update.

Communities included:

Back Cove, Halfway Brook, Hatchers Point, Murdochs Rock, Neils Brook, Neils Harbour, Neils Harbour Breaker, Neils Harbour Point, Neils Harbour Pond, New Haven, New Haven Cove, Shoal Point, Shoal Point Shoals, Trout Brook

Pleasant Bay (Complete)

Postal Code Areas: B0E

Archies Brook, Baldy, Bear Brook, Bear Hill, Black Brook, Bucks Cove, Donaldsons Brook, Eastern Brook, Grande Anse River, Jessies Brook, Kerrs Point, MacIntosh Brook, MacKenzies River, Moores Cove, Moores Hill, Pleasant Bay, Red River, Roberts Mountain, Rorys Brook, Sallys Brook, Sugar Brook,…

Bell Canada
Fibre to home/business
Anticipated Completion:
April-June 2022

Note: Some addresses may not have been entered into Bell’s Customer Service Centre, at time of update.

Community notes:

  • Addresses with access are posted here

Communities included:

Archies Brook, Baldy, Bear Brook, Bear Hill, Black Brook, Bucks Cove, Donaldsons Brook, Eastern Brook, Grande Anse River, Jessies Brook, Kerrs Point, MacIntosh Brook, MacKenzies River, Moores Cove, Moores Hill, Pleasant Bay, Red River, Roberts Mountain, Rorys Brook, Sallys Brook, Sugar Brook, Sutherlands Brook, The Pond

Port Hood (COMPLETE)

Postal Code Areas: B0E

Allan Iains Pond, Baxters Cove, Bear Cove, Big Rorys Cove, Big Rorys Point, Black Point, Bruces Cove, Burkes Brook, Campbell Point, Campbells Brook, Captains Brook, Centennial, Chisholm Brook, Colindale, Colindale Beach, Craigmore, Craigmore Provincial Park, Dean Shoal, Delhanty Brook, Domhnull…

Bell Canada
Fibre to home/business
Anticipated Completion:
June-August 2024

Note: Some addresses may not have been entered into Bell’s Customer Service Centre, at time of update.

Community notes:

  • Individual addresses have access before full project area complete.
  • Addresses with access to date will be posted here, as available.
  • If your location is in the red zone, off a blue road and serviced by power lines, you’re expected to be served.
  • Please check for Satellite Internet Service Rebate Program eligibility as an interim solution and learn more here.

Communities included:

Allan Iains Pond, Baxters Cove, Bear Cove, Big Rorys Cove, Big Rorys Point, Black Point, Bruces Cove, Burkes Brook, Campbell Point, Campbells Brook, Captains Brook, Centennial, Chisholm Brook, Colindale, Colindale Beach, Craigmore, Craigmore Provincial Park, Dean Shoal, Delhanty Brook, Domhnull Ruadhs Head, Dorseys Brook, Dungarry, Dunmore, Gillis Brook, Gillis Pond, Glencoe Station, Graham Point, Graham River, Green Hill, Harbourview, Hawthorne, Hillsdale, Indian Point, Indian Point Beach, Indian Point Pond, Judique, Judique Intervale, Judique Intervale Brook, Judique North, Judique South, Katies Point, Little Judique, Little Judique Harbour, Little Judique Ponds, Little Mabou, Little River, Livingstones Pond, Long Point, Lower Hillsdale, MacLeans Cove, MacNeil Point, MacQuarries Beach, Malcolm Brook, Marble Hill, Margarets Reef, Maryville, McKays Point, McKays Pond, Mill Creek, Murphys Point, Murphys Pond, Parks Beach, Parks Point, Pigs Cove, Port Hood, Port Hood Beach, Port Hood Island, Port Hood Station, Port Hood Station Beach, Port Hood Station Provincial Park, Rear Judique Chapel, Rear Judique South, River Centre, River Denys Mountain, Rocky Ridge, Rory Brook, Saint Ninian, Schoolhouse Brook, Seonaids Point, Shag Rock Point, Shipping Point, Smith Cove, Smith Point, Southwest Mabou River Nature Reserve, Sutherlands Cove, Sutherlands Pond, Walker Cove

St. Anns Bay (COMPLETE)

Postal Code Areas: B0C, B0E

Bar Point, Barachois Pond, Barachois River, Beach Point, Bentinck Point, Big Brook, Big Falls, Big Sarahs Brook, Birch Plain, Black Head, Black Pool, Black Rock, Boot Lake, Breton Cove, Breton Cove Point, Breton Cove Pond, Buchanan Brook, Buchanans Brook, Church Brook, Church Pool, Conway Point,…

Bell Canada
Fibre to home/business
Anticipated Completion:
October-December 2024

Note: Some addresses may not have been entered into Bell’s Customer Service Centre, at time of update.

Community notes:

  • Individual addresses have access before full project area complete.
  • Addresses with access to date will be posted here, as available.
  • If your location is in the red zone, off a blue road and serviced by power lines, you’re expected to be served.
  • Please check for Satellite Internet Service Rebate Program eligibility as an interim solution and learn more here.

Communities included:

Bar Point, Barachois Pond, Barachois River, Beach Point, Bentinck Point, Big Brook, Big Falls, Big Sarahs Brook, Birch Plain, Black Head, Black Pool, Black Rock, Boot Lake, Breton Cove, Breton Cove Point, Breton Cove Pond, Buchanan Brook, Buchanans Brook, Church Brook, Church Pool, Conway Point, Duncans Beach, East Branch Indian Brook, Eel Brook, Elders Brook, Eleanor Pool, Englishtown, Faders Cove, Faders Point, French River, French River Cove, French River Lakes, French River Point, French River Wilderness Area, Goose Cove, Goose Cove Brook, Great Falls, Harbourview, Indian Brook, Indian Brook Falls, Jersey Cove, Jersey Cove Beach, Kerrs Brook, Lead-in Point, Little Lake, Little Pond, Little River, Lower Little Falls, MacAskill Brook, MacDonald Brook, MacDonalds Big Pond, MacDonalds Brook, MacDonalds Pond, MacDonalds Pool, MacInnis Brook, MacInnis Pond, MacKeigans Brook, MacKenzies Pool, MacLeans Pool, MacLennan Brook, MacLeod Lake, MacLeods Brook, MacLeods Point, MacLeods Pool, MacQueen Brook, Mathesons Pool, Meadow, Mill Cove, Mill Cove Brook, Morrison Brook, Morrisons Brook, Mount McCurdy, Mud Cove, Munro Point, Munroes Brook, Murray, Murray Mountain, Murray Point, Narrow Pool, Neil MacLeods Brook, North Brook, North Gut, North River, North River Bridge, North River Centre, North Shore, Old Fort Point, Oregon, Oxford Pool, Oyster Pond, Plaster Provincial Park, Plaster Shore, Port Shoal, Price Point, Quarry Brook, Quarry St. Anns, Rapid Brook, Raymonds Beach, Rear Little River, Red Island, River Bennet, Rocheal Pond, Rooster Hill, Ross Cove, Sallys Brook, Schoolhouse Brook, Scout Lake, Seal Cove, Seymour Point, Shipyard Rock, Skir Dhu, Slide Pool, Smith Cove, Smiths Ponds, Smiths Pool, South Brook, South Lake, Spinnigan Lakes, St. Anns Bay, St. Anns Beach, St. Anns Harbour, St. Anns Lookoff, Stony Beach, Tarbot, Tarbotvale, Tarbotvale Pool, The Rock, Timber Brook, Twin Falls, Urquharts Brook, Urquharts Lake, Weed Pond, Weed Pond Beach, West Branch Indian Brook, West Tarbot, Wreck Cove, Wreck Cove Brook, Wreck Cove Flowage, Wreck Cove Point

St. Peters (Complete)

Postal Code Areas: B0E

Alick Island, Bishops Lake, Black Pond, Boot Lake, Brown Lake, Burkes Point, Campbells Brook, Campbells Cove, Campbells Hill, Campbells Island, Cape George, Cape George Harbour, Chapel Island, Condons Lake, Cook Lake, Cranberry Cove, Cranberry Lake, Crawley Lakes, Dam Bridge Brook, Damions Cove,…

Bell Canada
Fibre to home/business
Anticipated Completion:
July 2023

Note: Some addresses may not have been entered into Bell’s Customer Service Centre, at time of update.

Community notes:

  • As of June 2023, work remaining to reach final 4 addresses.
  • Individual addresses often have access before project area is complete.
  • Addresses with access to date will be posted here, as available.
  • Please check for Satellite Internet Service Rebate Program eligibility as an interim solution and learn more here.

Communities included:

Alick Island, Bishops Lake, Black Pond, Boot Lake, Brown Lake, Burkes Point, Campbells Brook, Campbells Cove, Campbells Hill, Campbells Island, Cape George, Cape George Harbour, Chapel Island, Condons Lake, Cook Lake, Cranberry Cove, Cranberry Lake, Crawley Lakes, Dam Bridge Brook, Damions Cove, Deepwater Point, Detter Creek, Dock Point, Evans Island, Evans Point, Evans Ponds, False Bay Brook, First Lake, Fougeres Cove, French Cove, Garrets Lake, Gillis Lake, Gregory Island, Hawker, Hay Cove, Indian Island, Irish Cove Nature Reserve, Joe Sampsons Island, Johnstown, Johnstown Harbour, Kelly Shoals, Kyte Lake, Little Harbour, Little Lake, Lochside, Long Lake, Macdonald Point, MacKenzies Lake, MacKenzies Pond, MacLeods Brook, MacLeods Hill, MacLeods Lake, MacMullens Pond, MacMullins Brook, MacNabs Brook, MacNabs Cove, MacNabs Island, MacNabs Lake, MacNabs Point, MacRaes Point, MacRaes Ponds, McDonald Lake, Morrison Harbour, Morrison Head, Mount Auburn, Mountain Lake, Murdocks Brook, Murdocks Point, Murray Lakes, Murrays Pond, North Pond, Oban, Olson Pond, Poor Island, Poor Point, Pringle Brook, Pringle Lake, Pringle Mountain, Red Islands, Richmond, Roberta, Rocky Lake, Rudha Mor, Sand Point, Sandy Beach, Scotch Point, Scotts River, Seaview, Second Lake, Sheep Island, Small MacNabs Cove, Soldiers Cove, Soldiers Cove Brook, Soldiers Cove Pond, South Mountain, Sporting Mountain, Stump Lake, The Pond, Thibeauville, Toms Brook, Urquharts Brook, Urquharts Pond

Whycocomagh (COMPLETE)

Postal Code Areas: B0E

Aberdeen, Abies Brook, Ainslie Glen, Ainslie Glen Brook, Alba, Alder Brook, Allans Brook, Allans Cove, Allans Point, Argyle Brook, Ashfield, Barra Mens Cove, Bell Rock, Bell Rock Island, Big Brook, Big Harbour Centre, Big Harbour Island, Big Marsh, Birch Point, Black Charlies Lake, Black Island,…

Bell Canada
Fibre to home/business
Anticipated Completion:
Please See Community Notes

Note: Some addresses may not have been entered into Bell’s Customer Service Centre, at time of update.

Community notes:

  • Individual addresses have access before full project area complete.
  • Addresses with access to date will be posted here, as available.
  • If your location is in the red zone, off a blue road and serviced by power lines, you’re expected to be served.
  • Please check for Satellite Internet Service Rebate Program eligibility as an interim solution and learn more here.

Communities included:

Aberdeen, Abies Brook, Ainslie Glen, Ainslie Glen Brook, Alba, Alder Brook, Allans Brook, Allans Cove, Allans Point, Argyle Brook, Ashfield, Barra Mens Cove, Bell Rock, Bell Rock Island, Big Brook, Big Harbour Centre, Big Harbour Island, Big Marsh, Birch Point, Black Charlies Lake, Black Island, Blues Brook, Blues Cove, Blues Mills, Blues Mountain Brook, Boom Island, Boom Shoal, Bornish Hill Nature Reserve, Brians Pond, Bucklaw, Cains Mountain, Calf Island, Cameron Island, Camerons Brook, Campbells Cove, Campbells Mountain, Cassells Cove, Cat Point, Chisholms Pond, Clarke Cove, Clarke Island, Clarke Point, Company Lake, Cove Brook, Cow Island, Cranberry Island, Cranberry Point, Cribwork Cove, Crooked Cove, Deep Cove, Denas Pond, Denys Basin, Donald Williams Point, Dunakin, Eagle Point, East Cove, East Skye Glen, Eden, Eel Shoal, Effies Cove, Estmere, Fergusons Brook, Fishermans Island, Fox Point, Frasers Beach, Frasers Cove, Freshwater Brook, George Island, Gillis Cove, Gillis Pond, Glen Brook, Glen Ponds, Grammo Point, Hazeldale, Heckies Cove, Hector MacLean Point, Hume Island, Humes River, Indian Cove, Indian Island, Indian Pond, Iron Mines, John MacLeans Brook, Johnson Cove, Jubilee, Kennedy Brook, Kennedys Big Brook, Kennedys Cove, Kennedys Point, Kewstoke, Kewstoke Brook, Lewis Island, Lewis Mountain, Little Beaver Lakes, Little Beaver Lakes Nature Reserve, Little Blues Brook, Little Boom, Little Ferguson Brook, Little Harbour, Little Island, Little Narrows, Livingstones Lakes, Lovett Point, Low Island, MacAskills Lake, MacDonald Cove, MacDonalds Brook, MacDonalds Cove, MacDonalds Lake, MacDonalds Point, MacDonalds Pond, MacDonalds Pond Nature Reserve, MacEacherns Point, MacInnes Brook, MacInnis Cove, MacInnis Island, MacIntosh Brook, MacIntosh Cove, MacIntosh Point, MacIver Brook, MacIver Pond, MacIvers Bank, MacIvers Point, MacKays Brook, MacKenzie Brook, MacKenzie Cove, MacKenzie Point, MacKenzies Brook, MacKenzies Point, MacKinnons Brook, MacKinnons Cove, MacKinnons Little Brook, MacLean Brook, MacLean Cove, MacLean Point, MacLeans Brook, MacLeans Cove, MacLeans Island, MacLeods Pond, MacMillan Brook, MacMillans Cove, MacMillans Point, MacPhail Brook, MacPhails Island, MacPhedrans Lake, MacPhersons Brook, MacRaes Brook, MacRaes Cove, MacRaes Island, MacRaes Lakes, MacRitchies Brook, MacRitchies Brook Nature Reserve, MacRitchies Cove, MacRitchies Point, MacRitchies Southside Cove, MacSweens Brook, Mahoneys Point, Malagawatch, Malagawatch Harbour, Malcolms Cove, Marble Mountain, Martins Cove, Martins Island, Martins Point, Mary Harper Nature Reserve, Mathesons Island, McAskill Brook, McIntyre Brook, McLennan Brook, Melford, Militia Point, Mill Brook, Morleys Brook, Morrison Brook, Morrison Cove, Morrisons Cove, Morrisons Pond, Mullach Brook, Murdoch MacLeans Brook, Myles Doyle Falls, Neilys Point, Nineveh, Noel Point, North Basin, North Mountain, North Side Whycocomagh Bay, Northside Mountain, Orangedale, Orangedale East, Oyster Creek, Pellier Harbour, Peters Brook, Peters Point, Pipers Cove, Pistol Island, Plaster Island, Plaster Ponds, Pooles Brook, Pooles Pond, Portage Creek, Rear Estmere, River Denys, River Denys Centre, River Denys Station, Rook Island, Rorys Cove, Roseburn, Rosedale, Ross Brook, Ross Cove, Round Island, Salt Mountain, School Bridge Brook, Seal Cove, Seal Cove Nature Reserve, Shallop Island, Sheep Island, Skye Glen, Skye Mountain, Soapstone Mine, South Cove, South Lake Ainslie, South Side Basin of River Denys, South Side River Denys, South Side Whycocomagh Bay, South Trout Brook, St. Patricks Channel, Stewartdale, Stoney Point, Stumpy Cove, The Boom, Upper River Denys, Valley Mills, Victoria Line, Washabuck Bridge, West Alba, West Cove, Whycocomagh, Whycocomagh Bay, Whycocomagh Mountain, Whycocomagh Portage, Wide Cove, Widows Point, Wilburn


Scope Expansion - Boularderie (COMPLETE)

Postal Code Areas: B1X

Bains Brook, Beinn Scalpie, Blue Nose Point, Bras d'Or Lookoff, Cape Dauphin, Cape Dauphin Mountain, Carey Point, Careys Pond, Chain Point, Dicks Brook, Gooseberry Point, Gunns Brook, Harbour Point, Hectors Point, Hectors Pond, Hortons Pond, Kellys Cove, Kellys Cove Pond, Kellys Point, Kennys Pond,…

Bell Canada
Fibre to home/business
Anticipated Completion:
November-December 2024

Note: Some addresses may not have been entered into Bell’s Customer Service Centre, at time of update.

Community notes:

  • Individual addresses often have access before project area is complete.
  • Addresses with access to date will be posted here, as available.
  • If your location is in the red zone, off a blue road and serviced by power lines, you’re expected to be served.
  • Please check for Satellite Internet Service Rebate Program eligibility as an interim solution and learn more here.

Communities included:

Bains Brook, Beinn Scalpie, Blue Nose Point, Bras d'Or Lookoff, Cape Dauphin, Cape Dauphin Mountain, Carey Point, Careys Pond, Chain Point, Dicks Brook, Gooseberry Point, Gunns Brook, Harbour Point, Hectors Point, Hectors Pond, Hortons Pond, Kellys Cove, Kellys Cove Pond, Kellys Point, Kennys Pond, Kluscap Wilderness Area, Little MacDermids Pond, Little Shoal, MacDermids Pond, MacKenzies Brook, MacLeans Pond, MacLennans Brook, Meadow Brook, Morrisons Brook, Munroes Point, New Campbellton, New Harris Forks, New Harris Settlement, Otter Harbour, Otter Island, Otter Point, Pit Pond, Red Brook, Seal Islands, Seal Point, Stewarts Cove, Three Fathom Shoal

We’koqma’q First Nation - includes Village of Whycocomagh

Fibre to home/business
Anticipated Completion:
Please See Community Notes

Community notes:

  • Individual addresses may have access before project area is complete.

  • For more information on Seaside Communications projects, click here.

  • Please check for Satellite Internet Service Rebate Program eligibility as an interim solution and learn more here.

Communities included:

We’koqma’q First Nation - includes Village of Whycocomagh

New Scope Expansion Project (Various Communities)

Postal Code Areas: B0E, B0H, B0J, B0N, B0P, B0T, B0V, B0W, B1K, B1N, B1P, B3E, B4V, B5A

Admiral Rock, Aldersville, Ashmore, Avondale, Avonport, Aylesford Lake, Barrington, Belmont, Blackstone, Blue Rocks, Boylston, Branch LaHave, Brazil Lake, Brenton, Broad Cove, Carleton, Charleston, Charlesville, Chester Grant, Coffinscroft, Crousetown, Darlings Lake, Deerfield, Doctors Cove, East…

Bell Canada
Fibre to home/business
Anticipated Completion:
December 2024*

* Estimated completion dates are based on best information available at this time and are subject to change.

Community notes:

  • Note: this covers a variety of zones. Please check the address list to ensure that your area is included.
  • These locations will finish along with the adjacent Bell projects.Addresses with access to date will also be posted here, as available.
  • For the Scope Expansion-Washabuck project that is part of this round (includes address list) click here.
  • Please check for Satellite Internet Service Rebate Program eligibility as an interim solution and learn more here.

Communities included:

Admiral Rock, Aldersville, Ashmore, Avondale, Avonport, Aylesford Lake, Barrington, Belmont, Blackstone, Blue Rocks, Boylston, Branch LaHave, Brazil Lake, Brenton, Broad Cove, Carleton, Charleston, Charlesville, Chester Grant, Coffinscroft, Crousetown, Darlings Lake, Deerfield, Doctors Cove, East Chester, East Port Medway, East Pubnico, Glenwood, Grand Pre, Greenwood Square, Hebron, Hillgrove, Italy Cross, Lakeville, Louisdale, Lower Argyle, Lower East Pubnico, Lower Wolfville, Mahone Bay, Marshall Point, Martins Point, Martins River, Martock, Middle East Pubnico, Middlefield, Mount Pleasant, Newtonville, North Ainslie, Oakland, Overton, Parkdale, Pine Grove, Pleasant Lake, Pleasant Valley, Plympton, Port Maitland, Port Medway, Port Mouton, Porters Lake, Pubnico, River Bourgeois, Rockville, Sandfield, Sandford, Seabrook, Short Beach, Soldiers Cove, South Range, Sydney, Upper Falmouth, Upper Lakeville, Villagedale, Voglers Cove, Wellington, West Berlin, Weymouth, Weymouth North, White Point, Windsor Road, Yarmouth Bar

Scope Expansion – Washabuck (Complete)

Postal Code Areas: B2C

Lower Washabuck, Upper Washabuck, Washabuck Centre

Bell Canada
Fibre to home/business
Anticipated Completion:
December 2023

Note: Some addresses may not have been entered into Bell’s Customer Service Centre, at time of update.

Community notes:

  • Additional make ready work required in the area.
  • Individual addresses often have access before project area is complete.
  • Addresses with access to date will also be posted here, as available.
  • Please check for Satellite Internet Service Rebate Program eligibility as an interim solution and learn more here.

Communities included:

Lower Washabuck, Upper Washabuck, Washabuck Centre

Scope Expansion — Louisdale (COMPLETE)

Postal Code Areas: B0E

Wire to home/business
Anticipated Completion:
October-December 2024

Community notes:

  • If your location is in the red zone, off a blue road and serviced by power lines, you’re expected to be served.
  • Individual addresses may have access before project area is complete.
  • Please check for Satellite Internet Service Rebate Program eligibility as an interim solution. Learn more here.

Have questions?
Need more information?

Please use the link below to reach out to our team. If you are reaching out about a project or potential project in your area, please include your full address, community and postal code.

Submit Question