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Tusket - (COMPLETE)

Postal Code Areas: B0W, B5A

Bell Canada
Fibre to home/business
Anticipated Completion:
March 2024

Note: Some addresses may not have been entered into Bell’s Customer Service Centre, at time of update.

Community notes:

  • Contact Bell for information on options, pricing and installation if you're in the project area outside of the above locations.
  • If your location is in the red zone, off a blue road and serviced by power lines, you’re expected to be served.
  • Please check for Satellite Internet Service Rebate Program eligibility as an interim solution and learn more here.

Communities included:

Absaloms Run, Back Lake, Bell Neck, Belleville North, Bennetts Lake, Carleton River, Cavanaghs Run, Cold Stream, Cranberry Lake, Duck Pond, East Corning Lake, East Quinan, Eastern River, Flat Island, Fox Island, Franks Eddy, Franks Lake, French Clearwater Lake, Gavels Lake, Gavelton, Gillfillan Lake, Green Point, Gridiron Falls, Hog Lake, Horse Creek, Indian Falls, Inner Sheep Island, James Lake, Kegeshook Lake, Kings Island, Kings Lake, Lac à Pic, Lac de l'École, Lake Vaughan, Little Round Lake, Long Falls, Long Lake, Marcel Lake, Meeting Island, Mingo Beck Lake, Morris Bank, Morris Island, Muise Head, Muise Head Island, Mushpauk Brook, Northwest Point, Outer Sheep Island, Peters Rapids, Quinan, Quinan Duck Lake, Quinan River, Ram Island, Raynardton, South Quinan, Springhaven, Springhaven Duck Lake, St. Helena Island, Surettes Island, The Basin, The Narrows, The Ridge, The Sugarloaf, The Tittle, Tinkhams Island, Tusket River Ecological Site, Tusket River Nature Reserve, Wilsons Falls, Wilsons Lake, Yarmouth,

View all communities in this zone

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Please use the link below to reach out to our team. If you are reaching out about a project or potential project in your area, please include your full address, community and postal code.

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